Welcome to Simply Put

“Our outer world reflects our inner world” ~ Deepak Chopra, world-renowned expert in the field of mind-body healing

I recently embarked upon a 21-day meditation “experiment” led  by Deepak Chopra to see if I could finally create a long-intended daily habit of meditating. My end goal: to become a calmer, more focused, more “in the moment” person.

Around Day 10, something Deepak said made me pause the meditation and grab my sticky note pad. He stated, “It is important to create an environment that brings us peace, joy, and ever closer to perfect health. True life balance requires us to seek optimal mental, spiritual, and physical well-being. It is our birthright!”

Now, of course, he was referring to creating balanced “inner” environments through proper nutrition, physical exercise, friendships and fun, etc. But as I was in the midst of starting up this new journey as a home organizer, I immediately realized that another key external component to creating internal balance is how we feel in our surroundings!

I don’t know about you, but when a closet or cabinet is a mishmosh of un-categorized items, or a basement or garage is stacked to the gills with boxes filled with who knows what – making the space unusable, or every area that you just cleaned up yesterday is once again strewn with shoes, backpacks, dirty clothes, toys, homework, “things to be done” … you get the drift… I just cannot focus or function optimally! It’s just plain exhausting to even think about.

We all deserve to have spaces we can walk into and feel that all is well. Spaces without visual chaos, that are practical, functional, and beautiful. Organized shelves/pantries/cabinets that make objects easier to find or put away, and tasks quicker to handle. I have found that where messes reside, peace and joy hide.

Thus, I have embarked on a new journey to help clean up the external clutter that keeps us in an internal rut.

Welcome to Simply Put – Turning clutter into calm. Let me know how I can help you create an outer world that reflects your best inner world.

Blissfully Yours,

Suzy Weinland – Chaos Calmer

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